At a young age 'POPS' always loved to doodle on shit and after having spent the first twenty years of his life doodling how other people told him to doodle, he decided he wouldn't obey the government permitted doodle laws any longer and he would show people how well he could doodle in public.
After recieving training and advice from many fellow doodler's, mainly his drunken master 'The Incredible Sensini', he decided it was time to do his first real doodle!

He tucked his jeans in his socks, packed his rattle-rattle cans in his backpack and set off into the night with his chemically altered buddy to find the most boring wall they could.
Along the way they encountered many dull walls and took it upon themselves to brighten up everyones world with their ultra-stinky-ink doodle tool, which 'POPS' always carries for emergencies such as this.
Some people, mainly the 'Blue Piggies', don't allow the un-corporate to do this and often punish people in a worse way for this playful act, than they would punish someone who beat up an old biddy for instance.
This aside 'POPS' and his mentor sneaked through the night across many rivers and under countless bridges until they found the most boring wall in town.
So as to make it a surprise for the public, 'POPS' worked in total darkness on his doodle, spending many hours inhaling the lovely colours and enjoying the feeling of ice on his balls, before leaving
on his journey home with his now mysteriously red eyed teacher...They left before either could see the doodle they had created, but soon returned the next day with their average friend and his crazy-silver-box contraption.
When they viewed the doodle from the other side of the river 'POPS' became very excited and when he crossed over to view the doodle up close, something wonderful happened................................................HE BEGAN TO FLY!!!!!!!!
'POPS' now realised why the 'Blue Piggies' didn't like people doodling everywhere, because if everyone doodled in their own special way and worked together, then maybe the corporate ghouls which watch over them from their oversized billboards, would no longer be able to tell them lies to keep them scared and in turn stop them flying too.
'POPS' vowed from that day forth that he would try to doodle more than ever before and hopefully one day others like him will help people understand the importance of doodles and the reasons as to why the 'Blue Piggies' don't want you to doodle!