Yeah so its been nearly 5 months since i last posted on my blog, which some would deem as lazy, but i've actually been grafting out there in reality and have now completed my 1st year, so the time has come to transfer that effort to the digital dungeon of for the viewing pleasure of Alex & Stewie.......
I would like to give them a special shout out for not jumping ship like everybody else and even though they've been spread more thinly than the last knob of butter on a dinner date between Big Pun & Fat Joe, they've managed to get us through the year smoothly and have shown a great deal of interest in the 1st year group, unlike,.,.,...,.,.,.,..,........ Well, if your reading this blog you already know who i mean, so i needn't say more!!!!
So anywho, i've finished my 1st year in Multi-Media Design and I have created a large body of work for you to enjoy, starting with two slide shows of PDP work i've done in my various sketchbooks:
- The 1st includes my early attempts on photoshop, my apple related research (see Dec '07), a montage of photos from a trip to Amsterdam and a range of doodles I draw whilst bored in class.
- The 2nd is a small book entirely dedicated to typography. This was meant to have been assessed as part of the years work but was forgotten in the chaos, so it will also be carried on next year.....